diumenge, 15 de maig del 2016


Now that we've finished English classes (this is my last post!) it is time to look back and see the transition of my English level. I have chosen two your says where I've talked about the same topic to compare them. The first one was written the first term of 1st Batxillerat, and the second on in the second term of 2nd Batxillerat. The topic is "Gender Violence". 

This is one of my first YOUR SAYs. It is weird but I feel ashamed after reading it. It is full of silly mistakes like not writing the final "S": "because nobody deserve". There is also a sentence that I don't understand: "Never be obsessed with someone is like love him a lot". The sentence "Every year thousands of woman and girls die for the gender violence" is hideous. I didn't wirte correctly "women", I made a bad use of the preposition "for" (because of) and I am not sure at all but the article "the" it was not needed. 

In regard to the maturity of the essay, I have to say that it seems like it was written by a kid. The issue requires maturity and be treated in another way. Furthermore, there is no originality regarding vocabulary. The YOUR SAY of 2nd Batxillerat is 12487129784 times better. There are connectors, varied and mature vocabulary, a good structure and arguments, etc. I really think that it is one of my best compositions. 

If I have to choose my favourite and best written production of all I've done, I would pick out Can technology make a better world?. I worked in it with Mireia, so we joined our ideas and wrote a good argumentative text. It is simple, accurate and well crafted. It doesn't have much complication but is correct. Moreover, it contains phrasal verbs and "rich" vocabulary. This composition shows my currently English level (we've done it in class without using internet).

One analyzed my work, I can assert that I am proud of my English evolution. My grammar is better, my vocabulary wide and my ideas more mature. Now for example, I am able to write an introduction that can get the reader's attention. As to speaking, I talk more fluently than before. An anecdote, is that one of my interviews of my research paper was in English: I talked with a montessorian teacher in English during 30 minutes and she understood me without any problem. Also, when we went to London I could talk quietly. In addition, I can watch programs, TV series (The Vampire Diaries), movies, interviews in british or american English and understand the 80% of it. So, my next goal is to get the First Certificate this year. I have to improve a lot but in two years I've experienced an incredible change. English lessons are REALLY useful, what you learn you will use it in real life, and this fact I appreciate it a lot. 

diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

The last pages of Batxillerat

Less than 10 days to finish the third term of 2nd of batxillerat. It seems weird but I can not believe how fast has all happened. I still remember the first day, coming from Empuriabrava a little bit shy with some of my new classmates. Now all of them have became a part of my daily life. Maybe the fact of living the same sad (yes, sad) and stressful situations is what united us. I don’t like to think that next september we all will be in different places, I mean, I am so so so excited to start a new stage of my life (at least I’m 18) but I know that it will be difficult for me to accustomed to it.

I take with me a lot of friends, experiences (missing my beautiful london), laughs, lessons and knowledge. Sincerely, and without exaggerating, being a batxillerat student is one of the most difficult thing that I’ve done in my life. I say that because I stayed at home every afternoon, night and weekend studying like a machine. But finally, it was worth it! I’m going to selectivitat calmly and without pressure. Giving the best of you satisfies you. I will spend my summer as a happy human (not a stressed zombie like right now), and don’t forget: without any research paper!!!!!! In general, I am proud of my work and what I’ve achieved.

Things are about to change. Honestly, I still don’t know if I will start University living in a student residence or with my friends in a flat. What I know is that I will leave my parents house and become independent!!!!(it seems a paradox, because I won’t be able to pay my own bills yet). Being 18 it also means having a car and I can not lie, I’m more nervous about passing car test than PAU. Just 8 exams to finish. The countdown has began. A chapter is ending, but another one better will begin.


If there is any place in this planet where I would like to be right now, it would probably be Bora Bora, an astonishing island located in the French Polynesia, in the Pacific Ocean. Bora Bora is a part of a group of volcanic islands linked to the activity of a danger zone. In fact, most mountainous point of the island is an extinct volcano.

First of all, Bora Bora has marvelous beaches that attract tourists from around the world. The smooth, warm and fawn sand or the sheer and transparent water can drive crazy anyone. It is such a piece of paradise for those who love summer. Species of marine animals abound if you immerse yourself in the depths of the ocean. Colors, feelings, wonders: a beautiful spectacle that does not disappoint anybody.

In my understanding, Bora Bora is the perfect place to blow your mind, forget everything for a moment and just enjoy the environment: connect with it, be a part of it. There, I would get my maximum serenity. Sincerely, I see the island as a spiritual space that arises in you optimism.

Smart City: Barcelona

It intends a model of a sustainable city and social reach of technology in the future. Starting with Barcelona as a model, it is suggests a correct approach and management to achieve a balance between the effective and efficient creation of economic and industrial activities (like hence jobs) and improving the quality of citizens life.

Technology is the key tool to achieve certain objectives, among which are: saving resources obtaining the same services, to attract foreigners, to create new opportunities in the city and improve life quality of the dwellers.The Smart City concept has changed over time, the involvement of society is a key point that has gained much importance in the last years. A city it can be considered sustainable when it is built by both, by public and by governments.

Thus, in order to manage a smart city, the needs of citizens must be known. Helping  integrate them and involve them in the process of creation and improvement of future smart cities, it is another important point.

This article suggests the needs of city dwellers taking them into account when planning urban life. Moreover, the new talks about technology, but we can talk about another way to promote the sustainability of cities: the promotion of renewable energy (by the use of signage, lighting).

Another point to consider for achieving this sustainability is the fact of promoting collective public transport in order to reduce energy consumption and pollution levels. All this leads to a better quality of life. A truly smart city is one that can have a very advanced development and at the same time be promoting the lives of those who are part of the city.

El Gallinero, an example of shack near a rich city, Madrid

A case of extremely poor neighborhood a few kilometers from downtown Madrid, where the houses have no water and due to this, family members can not drink, take a shower or cook.

Children live daily between rats and snakes, among debris and dirt. This is the shanty neighborhood called El Gallinero, with a population of 435, the vast majority with romanian nationality. More than half of the members of the district are minors. Many of them live in appalling and inhumane conditions.

According to statistics, 98% of the district kids won’t reach the 60 years old (when the average in Spain is 7.8%). The percentage of illiterates in the neighborhood is 78%, compared to 11% of the national level.


This story exemplifies the concept of "Fourth World". With the example of "El Gallinero" know the case of a neighborhood with the characteristics of conglomerations of shacks. It is an area without any planning, located a few meters from Madrid, the Spanish capital with a high level of economic and social development. Living conditions of the people there are undignified. Furthermore, as is common, the people who live there are from another country, so it can also be considered that there was a spatial segregation. El Gallinero is a neighborhood with a human poverty index characteristic of an underdeveloped country like Ethiopia. What is unbelievable is that is next to Madrid. The city hall should pay attention to the needs of ALL its citizens, no matter their situation. Honestly, I think that with all the money of the corruption we not only could help people who live in shacks, we could improve aspects as education, health, etc.

divendres, 6 de maig del 2016

Can the UN Security Council Stop Hospitals Being Targets in War?

The UN Security Council members are considering the attacks to Hospitals in war zones like Syria. The lack of respect of health care provocated the searching of a resolution. But as always, it all started after the Al Quds Hospital in Aleppo was bombed. The most qualified paediatrician Dr Muhammad Waseem Maaz died there. Hospitals in Syria are usually targeted by government and Russian air forces.

Furthermore, the organization Medicins Sans Frontieres, which can not stay in some areas because they are not protected enough to work there, said that bombs against health care are so frequent recently. No one should be killed because of a war, it doesn't matter if it is a civilan of the country or health care personnel who just do their work helping wounded and injured innocent people. In fact, they should be more respected.

Paediatrician: pediatra
Wounded: ferit
Targeted: select as an object of attention or attack

Any war should not exist and no one would have to die due to this reason. Any house should be bombed, and it is worse (and unbelievable) attack places that have to be protected and respected, like hospitals or schools. It is totally a lack of respect. But how this will stop if even the refugees are bombed?

Civilans will always be the ones who recieve the consequences of governments and terrorist groups acts. It is very beautiful to talk about human rights, but they are necessary to put them into practice. They had been created after a World War for something, not to be written.

dilluns, 2 de maig del 2016

Why the world needs a UN leader who stands up for human rights

Soldiers peacekeepers of the United Nations (recognized by the blue helmets) shot a family in Central African Republic, instead of protecting them. They shot a 61 year-old man and his son, and when the daughter ran to reach her wounded relatives, they shot her too. Moreover, there are other disappointing cases such as sexual explotation and abuse committed by the peacekeepers.

This case reflects that UN failed in protecting civilans, as in Syria or South Sudan. The UN Security Council seems to not accomplish with the purpose of take care of people's security: richest and powerful countries have always the last saying in politics. So many times, members of the Security Council vetoed efforts to respond Syrian or Yemen wars, where died almost 300.000 innocents.

Human rights, which seem controversial to talk about, are not protected by the UN, and this leads to instability. For this reason, the next Secretary-General who will replace Ban Ki-moon will have to know how to prevent mass violations, protect civilans in conflict and deal with the refugee crisis.

Helmet: casc
Wounded: ferit
Vetoed: vetat

Who can guarantee the validity and protection of human rights if even UN soldiers does not meet their goals and, moreover, violate the universal rights? It seems impossible for us to reach a society of peace, not only because of the wars, but for the disappointing work of who are supposed to help. But like everything in this society, while money and power go above humanity, we won't achieve so much. In addition, we can not speak of democracy if there are countries with veto power. The UN has avoid so many conflicts that could break out, but does not meet the expectations at all.

diumenge, 1 de maig del 2016

Step It Up for Gender Equality

Nowadays, in general, the world improved women's empowerment and situation (in terms of gender equality), but we still have to face inequalities in public sphere. For example, it is true that the number of women in parliament has increased significantly, but in most countries females still earn until a 40% less of men wages. Moreover, in private space, is important to carry on protecting women rights, and avoid cases of physical or sexual violence.

The key of promoting global sustainability is education: there are more girls that can't go to school than boys, in fact, the half of them. We have achieved and faced a lot of challenges, but all citizens of this planet have to continue improving gender equality if we really want a peaceful and prosperous world where live.

Ambassador Walther Lichem

Wages: salari
Prosperous: pròsper
Empowerment: potenciació

Compared with the past century, it is true that we have improved so many aspects of women's rights. Although we are in 21st century, living in a developed society which go through constant changes, we still need to stop gender inequality and violence, sensitize people that regardless of gender, all of us are humans, and no one is less than anyone.

But how will we achieve this if women still earn less money that their coworkers? So as always I say, society needs to make an effort and be equal with all humans (in work or in whatever), and relating to private area, if we don't want future men to be chauvinistic and aggressors, we have to educate children on equality. Prevention is always better than cure.

Cameron at large: Want Not to Become a Terrorist? Speak Fluent English!

Last January, David Cameron said that muslim woman who doesn't use and speak English in a high level could be deported from the country. In addition, he explained that the fact of not being able of speak the language fluently can make them more susceptible to terrorists messages, such as IS one's. David Cameron talked about testing them if they want to lay down in England: it is a part of building a community integration.

The words of the Prime Minister have been criticized by a lot of people in Britain. Most of them said that is unfair, disgraceful and sloppy making policies using stereotypes of English muslim communities. In the end, it gets worse the situation and the life of women who live in this society full of gender inequality, that in addition, they are foreign and their religion is judged constantly.

Sloppy: descuidat
Fluently: amb fluidesa
Policies: polítiques

Personally, I think what Cameron said is incredibly disappointing. I totally agree with the fact that every person from another country who decides to emigrate should learn the language of the new land, and integrate in areas such as culture, work, etc. But I disagree with the idea of being susceptible to listen and heeding terrorist messages due to a low level of English. There is no connection between one thing an another!

Cameron, as seen in the new, it contradicts. Being a Prime Minister, he should not said such nonsense. I know that since Charlie Hebdo, Paris attacks and now Brussels, muslim community is more judged than ever, but I hate generalizations. Be fool and misinterpret a holy book to kill people is not religion. So let's try to educate without prejudice: everyone have to talk the language of the country where they live because of living there, not to avoid being a follower of terrorist groups, it does not even make sense.

divendres, 29 d’abril del 2016

Activists Accuse India of Violating UN Convention on Child Rights

An incident with tragical final of a juvenile who beaten and raped a 23 year old female, opened the debate about the age which is considered being adult. Human rights defenders that work for child rights said that changing the age will go against the UN on the Rights of the Child, and against the global commitment of India to child rights.

It is proved that juvenile crime increased highly in India the last years. There are many factors that caused this situation: negligence and ignorance of the parents, poor socio-economic status, family pressure, etc. The ones who defend children's rights said that the key of avoiding incidents among juveniles is not reduce the age of an adult, but help them to grow up to be good persons, imparting better education and moral values, with the support of the government.

Commitment: compromís
Beaten: batut
Negligence: falta d'atenció, descuidar

If I have to be honest and if it is in my hands, I won't reduce the age. First of all, because if they change it and unfortunately another crime of a 15 year-old, then the debate will be opened again. So before than thinking of the sentences to the juveniles, it is essential to avoid similar cases.

As is said in the new, stimulate education and teach moral values since children are little, will be the only viable solution. It seems to be impossible because there are many factors that would make it difficult (the social status, families, influences) but we don't lose anything trying it. Grow up with good values inculcated is the key to become a civilized human.

Tanzania: Girls Struggle to Avoid Forced Marriage, Yearn to Learn

Tanzania is one of the countries where a high number of adolescents between 15 and 19 years old became pregnant, exactly one in every six teenagers. In addition, this happens because the poverty that families live is the factor and the reason why parents force their daughters to marry: they treat them as financial assets. Furthermore, it is also a tradition, that attempts girls rights.

Maria is one example: she decided to run away from her parents house before the marriage. But she found another issue: she was pregnant of the man who accompanied her to school during a long time. Most of the unwanted pregnancies are because of the lack of reproductive health information.

Maria represents thousands of tanzanians girls whom dreams break due to pregnancy. For this reason, the UNESCO have created vocational training to give to these young mums a chance to change the course of their lives. Through the education, girls will improve their social and economic wellbeing, and redefine their way.

Financial assets: actius financers
Unwanted: no desitjat
Pregnancy: embaràs

Every human should chose their decisions in life and anyone should force them to do things that they don't like. I mean, bind a girl to a man who she doesn't love it will only hurt her, and also it is probably that the man will rape and stuck her. They can not say that it is a tradition, because is a violation of a human right. Additionally, teenagers girls must be in school studying to have a good future, not pregnant.

From my point of view, UNESCO's initiative is an amazing idea, because it lights up a lifestyle that seemed to be dark. The session training skills is a chance to those girls with babies to change and improve their wellbeing.

dijous, 31 de març del 2016

1st TASK 3th Term: EDUCATION

Redefine how you view education. Understand its true meaning. Education is not just about regurgitating facts from a book on someone else's opinion on a subject to pass an exam. Look at it, Picasso was educated in creating art; Shakespeare was educated in the art of [word] that was written. Colonel Harland Sanders was educated in the art of creating Kentucky Fried Chicke. 

As the paragraf says, first we have to understand the meaning of education. When we think about education what comes to our mind is students memorizing pages and pages, entire books. The most intelligent of them is the one who knows more, or in other words, the one who has copied the book's information in his head. 

Education it can be seen in different ways. Every one of us has maybe a talent or an hability in doing something. You can play the piano since you are a little kid while you don't pass history exams. But who cares? When you grow up you may become an expert musician. Or you can start writing stories that are amazing but be bad at maths, where is the problem? You are a good writer! The big deal is that our society has an idea of what education is, they treat us like if we were machines, when in fact each of us is different. So let's start from there, from changing our view. Education is how you focus your life, how you use your tools to be who you really are. 

diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

Emerging Technology Has Positive Impact in Classroom

Stacey Roshan is a mathematics teacher of a private school that made an experiment through technology to see how the results of her students increased. Roshan could see during three years how her students were confused and stagnant.

Most of them wanted to work just problems in class, for this reason Stacey changed her lessons plans: by using Camtasia Studio, she uploaded her video lectures so they could listen to them in their house (as homework) and once in class, only work in problems. In this way, students were more motivated and had and active participation in class. Stacey Roshan experienced how her students marks increased rapidly by this method. Lots of teachers start to use technology in their class and all of them saw the positive benefits of it.

Tracy, director of an Academy who implant technology in his center, said that having a flexible budget helps to innovate in education. He is sure that: If it's successful, it's designed to be replicable in the public schools." Regarding to public schools, new initiatives have been promoted, for example, the use of Ipads in class.

Replicable: aplicable
Lectures: conferències
Stagnant: estancat

Being in 21st century, we might change some things in education that for us are normal and traditional. We have to adapt our lives with technological advances and take profit from it, in all the fields. Stacey Roshan is a PROOF that a good use of technology can help students in their marks, and use the time in the best way. She is still doing her job, but in other way, a way that really works and motivates students.

In my case, we use technology in class (as in English, Psychology or History) but I really believe that we could improve it and expand it to all the subjects. Although it seems to be difficult, I don’t think that we will carry on with our traditional method much longer. I hope in a future we can enjoy technology as a normal fact in education and admire how can helps us.

dissabte, 12 de març del 2016

Can mobile apps help to improve our health?

Mobile applications will help us to improve our health. In fact, some experiments created by experts work currently. Professionals from Belfast and the EU, all of them are participants of the World Health Organization Network, are sure that technology is the key to face and tackling diseases such as Alzheimer's. In 2015, a convention for Alzheimer's revealed an app that simulates persons to establish life goals as exercise or nutrition to manage stress and brain stimulation (those two aspects are reasons of the beginning of the memory disease).

Moreover, it exists another app, Experior, that helps doctors in training to polish and hone their readings X-Rays. Experior was created by Tom Lynch, head of Nuclear Medicine, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. Since 2014, they are starting to think about using the same technology as the Experior one to apply it in other medical fields, like gynaecology or obstetrics. The main countries which are working on this, are Northern Ireland, Finland, Wales and UK, among others as EU and US.

Hone: perfeccionar, pulir
Unveiled: van revelar
Tackling: fer front

Technology is always a discussion topic that presents us if it is beneficial to our lives to be involved in it. We often relate technological advances to social networks and the vice that they cause. But, have we thought about the benefits that technology can provide us in fields like health?

We've seen practical cases as bionic arms and legs, deaf people who finally could hear through a device, blind persons who thanks of special glasses can see. So, don't you think that it would be incredible to prevent diseases like Alzheimer with an app?

From my point of view, experts are the engine of our era and those discovers are really surprising. In a future, if all this experiments develope and turn popular, we will thank all the experts that made possible the prevention of having a grandfather with Alzheimer, or being an Alzheimer victim, you never know.

divendres, 11 de març del 2016


Are humans controlling technology or is technology controlling us? Where is the limit? There is no clear answer.

On the one hand the incorrect use of technology can drive us to bullying situations, in the case of kids psychological bullying is increasing; moreover ir changes relationships in general, talk face to face is more difficult nowadays. Also we can find false information on Internet. Technology took to a high level of consumerism, we buy more than what we need as a consequence of it, the production has increased in the last century and that fact caused dramatic pollution.  

On the other hand, it presents a lot of advantages; for example, it provides bionic body parts for those who need it. Plus, it expands your opportunity to achieve your objectives. Everybody can discover you. Also it’s easier for enterprises to be disclosed because of publicity. Definitely technology makes our lives more comfortable.

To sum up, bearing in mind that technology can be negative in some aspects, the vast majority are positive. So yes, a good use of technology can make a better world.

Auschwitz survivor is world's oldest man - Guinness World Records

Yisrael Kristal, borned in Poland in 1903, is 112 years old. His life is full of historical facts: he lived two world wars and the Holocaust. He was a student of a religious school when the first world war began and had to be separated from his parents. Then he moved to Lodz, to work in a confectionary business. His family and him were sent to Lodz concentration camp. His two kids died in the moment of the ghetto liquidation, and once moved to Auschwitz, his wife was murdered and he survived working as a slave.

In 1945, he was found anorexic. In 1950, with his second wife and his son, he returned to work in the confectionary business. As his daughter explains, Kristal continued with his beliefs and he shows an incredible optimism.

Having lived a life full of injustices and misfortune, the survivor Yisrael Kristal do not know the reason of his long life. The previous oldest man died in January, and the oldest woman alive is believed to be an american woman, Susannah Mushatt Jones (115 years old).

Lodz: Is the third largest city in Poland.
Ghetto: Put in or restrict to an isolated or segregated area or group.

“I see humans but not humanity”. This is the sentence that comes to my head every time I remember historical facts like the Holocaust, the Palestinian and Israeli conflict, or the nowadays Syrian conflict.

No one can know better the nazi extermination, that murdered almost 7 million jews, as Kristal. It is unbelievable that there are people who think that the Holocaust is the product of myths and fables (yes, it is an ideology currently active).

When we are in history class and we talk about wars we just think that we are going to memorize what happened in the past and write it in the examn. But then when you see news like this, you realize that it is not too distant to our present. The case of Yisrael is really admirable and surprising, who would have said that the oldest man in 2016 would be a survivour of the Holocaust?


Tower Bridge is a bridge in London, England, over the River Thames. At the second half of the 19th century, the commercial development of the East End of London led to the need to build a new step under the London Bridge. Jones's design was a bascule bridge of about 244 m in length with two towers, each of 65 meters high. The central light of 61 meters between the towers is divided into two sheets, which can be lifted up to a 86º angle (almost vertical) to allow river traffic.

The construction of the bridge began in 1886. There were spent eight years with five major construction and almost 500 workers. When Jones died in 1887, his chief engineer, Sir John Wolfe-Barry, continued the project. Wolfe-Barry replaced the original design of Jones medieval style  with Victorian ornamentation. The towers and sidewalks contain an exhibition of the history of the bridge, including the original steam engines that had moved the bridge. The bridge is on the Tower Subway, the first line of tube (underground railway) in the world (1870).

The second day, after going to Shakespeare Globe Theatre, we went to Tower Bridge freely. I was with Nadia and Mireia, and we made like thousands of photos in the bridge. My first impression was that it was bigger than what I thought (this happened to me with the Big Ben too). The Tower Bridge is gorgeous, it left me speechless.  

dimecres, 9 de març del 2016


Hundred of thousands syrians go through the ocean to REACH peace: Europe. Sometimes fifty or sixty persons arrive in small boats, and always some of them die in the way. Men, women, girls, boys, babies, old people, pregnants, SICK. All of them want just to live a life worthily, because in their country there is a war, and their houses are under the rubble.

I will not talk about the whys and the reasons of the war or who is implicated. This your say I want to focus it in the arrival of refugees in Europe. When all started last summer, borders were opened and every refugee that arrived felt like he was in paradise. People start volunteering, giving them food, clothes, and shelters. But they were millions and millions and they reached the pont of collapse. Now that this is turning into a problem, all what we see in televison is people burning those shelters, hate to them and the closure of the borders. The intention was good, but now we need a solution.

Another aspect to consider is the support and hoste that Europe provides them and the abandonment of arab countries. The Arab and Muslim (and moreover rich) countries turned their back to their neighbours. 

The question is, what is more important: to make up the problem of the refugees or stop the Syria war? All we know is that syrians will still try to enter to Europe and the shelling will carry on.