diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

The last pages of Batxillerat

Less than 10 days to finish the third term of 2nd of batxillerat. It seems weird but I can not believe how fast has all happened. I still remember the first day, coming from Empuriabrava a little bit shy with some of my new classmates. Now all of them have became a part of my daily life. Maybe the fact of living the same sad (yes, sad) and stressful situations is what united us. I don’t like to think that next september we all will be in different places, I mean, I am so so so excited to start a new stage of my life (at least I’m 18) but I know that it will be difficult for me to accustomed to it.

I take with me a lot of friends, experiences (missing my beautiful london), laughs, lessons and knowledge. Sincerely, and without exaggerating, being a batxillerat student is one of the most difficult thing that I’ve done in my life. I say that because I stayed at home every afternoon, night and weekend studying like a machine. But finally, it was worth it! I’m going to selectivitat calmly and without pressure. Giving the best of you satisfies you. I will spend my summer as a happy human (not a stressed zombie like right now), and don’t forget: without any research paper!!!!!! In general, I am proud of my work and what I’ve achieved.

Things are about to change. Honestly, I still don’t know if I will start University living in a student residence or with my friends in a flat. What I know is that I will leave my parents house and become independent!!!!(it seems a paradox, because I won’t be able to pay my own bills yet). Being 18 it also means having a car and I can not lie, I’m more nervous about passing car test than PAU. Just 8 exams to finish. The countdown has began. A chapter is ending, but another one better will begin.

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