divendres, 29 d’abril del 2016

Tanzania: Girls Struggle to Avoid Forced Marriage, Yearn to Learn

Tanzania is one of the countries where a high number of adolescents between 15 and 19 years old became pregnant, exactly one in every six teenagers. In addition, this happens because the poverty that families live is the factor and the reason why parents force their daughters to marry: they treat them as financial assets. Furthermore, it is also a tradition, that attempts girls rights.

Maria is one example: she decided to run away from her parents house before the marriage. But she found another issue: she was pregnant of the man who accompanied her to school during a long time. Most of the unwanted pregnancies are because of the lack of reproductive health information.

Maria represents thousands of tanzanians girls whom dreams break due to pregnancy. For this reason, the UNESCO have created vocational training to give to these young mums a chance to change the course of their lives. Through the education, girls will improve their social and economic wellbeing, and redefine their way.

Financial assets: actius financers
Unwanted: no desitjat
Pregnancy: embaràs

Every human should chose their decisions in life and anyone should force them to do things that they don't like. I mean, bind a girl to a man who she doesn't love it will only hurt her, and also it is probably that the man will rape and stuck her. They can not say that it is a tradition, because is a violation of a human right. Additionally, teenagers girls must be in school studying to have a good future, not pregnant.

From my point of view, UNESCO's initiative is an amazing idea, because it lights up a lifestyle that seemed to be dark. The session training skills is a chance to those girls with babies to change and improve their wellbeing.

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