divendres, 29 d’abril del 2016

Activists Accuse India of Violating UN Convention on Child Rights

An incident with tragical final of a juvenile who beaten and raped a 23 year old female, opened the debate about the age which is considered being adult. Human rights defenders that work for child rights said that changing the age will go against the UN on the Rights of the Child, and against the global commitment of India to child rights.

It is proved that juvenile crime increased highly in India the last years. There are many factors that caused this situation: negligence and ignorance of the parents, poor socio-economic status, family pressure, etc. The ones who defend children's rights said that the key of avoiding incidents among juveniles is not reduce the age of an adult, but help them to grow up to be good persons, imparting better education and moral values, with the support of the government.

Commitment: compromís
Beaten: batut
Negligence: falta d'atenció, descuidar

If I have to be honest and if it is in my hands, I won't reduce the age. First of all, because if they change it and unfortunately another crime of a 15 year-old, then the debate will be opened again. So before than thinking of the sentences to the juveniles, it is essential to avoid similar cases.

As is said in the new, stimulate education and teach moral values since children are little, will be the only viable solution. It seems to be impossible because there are many factors that would make it difficult (the social status, families, influences) but we don't lose anything trying it. Grow up with good values inculcated is the key to become a civilized human.

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