divendres, 11 de març del 2016

Auschwitz survivor is world's oldest man - Guinness World Records

Yisrael Kristal, borned in Poland in 1903, is 112 years old. His life is full of historical facts: he lived two world wars and the Holocaust. He was a student of a religious school when the first world war began and had to be separated from his parents. Then he moved to Lodz, to work in a confectionary business. His family and him were sent to Lodz concentration camp. His two kids died in the moment of the ghetto liquidation, and once moved to Auschwitz, his wife was murdered and he survived working as a slave.

In 1945, he was found anorexic. In 1950, with his second wife and his son, he returned to work in the confectionary business. As his daughter explains, Kristal continued with his beliefs and he shows an incredible optimism.

Having lived a life full of injustices and misfortune, the survivor Yisrael Kristal do not know the reason of his long life. The previous oldest man died in January, and the oldest woman alive is believed to be an american woman, Susannah Mushatt Jones (115 years old).

Lodz: Is the third largest city in Poland.
Ghetto: Put in or restrict to an isolated or segregated area or group.

“I see humans but not humanity”. This is the sentence that comes to my head every time I remember historical facts like the Holocaust, the Palestinian and Israeli conflict, or the nowadays Syrian conflict.

No one can know better the nazi extermination, that murdered almost 7 million jews, as Kristal. It is unbelievable that there are people who think that the Holocaust is the product of myths and fables (yes, it is an ideology currently active).

When we are in history class and we talk about wars we just think that we are going to memorize what happened in the past and write it in the examn. But then when you see news like this, you realize that it is not too distant to our present. The case of Yisrael is really admirable and surprising, who would have said that the oldest man in 2016 would be a survivour of the Holocaust?

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