dimecres, 9 de març del 2016


Hundred of thousands syrians go through the ocean to REACH peace: Europe. Sometimes fifty or sixty persons arrive in small boats, and always some of them die in the way. Men, women, girls, boys, babies, old people, pregnants, SICK. All of them want just to live a life worthily, because in their country there is a war, and their houses are under the rubble.

I will not talk about the whys and the reasons of the war or who is implicated. This your say I want to focus it in the arrival of refugees in Europe. When all started last summer, borders were opened and every refugee that arrived felt like he was in paradise. People start volunteering, giving them food, clothes, and shelters. But they were millions and millions and they reached the pont of collapse. Now that this is turning into a problem, all what we see in televison is people burning those shelters, hate to them and the closure of the borders. The intention was good, but now we need a solution.

Another aspect to consider is the support and hoste that Europe provides them and the abandonment of arab countries. The Arab and Muslim (and moreover rich) countries turned their back to their neighbours. 

The question is, what is more important: to make up the problem of the refugees or stop the Syria war? All we know is that syrians will still try to enter to Europe and the shelling will carry on.

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