diumenge, 6 de març del 2016

Starved to death and left to MUMMIFY in the world's worst zoo: Once proud animals including lions and crocodiles are now no more than horrifying 'statues' after carers had to stop feeding them

Mohammed Awaida inaugurated his zoo South Forest Park in 9 years ago in Khan Younis, a city of Gaza, Palestine. He spent millions of dollars into bring animals from around the world, by through a tunel, as he explains in the video. A year later, in 2008, when Palestinian and Isreali conflict reactivated, the rockets attacks made staff unable to take care of them, so most of them died because of neglect or starvation. In addition of the almost 2000 Palestinians killed, 80 animals have died in another Palesinian zoo, the Al-Bisan zoo.

Furthermore, there is no animal rights movement in the region and the zoo don't have supervision. Khan Younis zoo started to emblaming those animals who died and return them to their enclosures. Awaida said that after the Gaza war, he began to mummify his dead lions, monkeys, tigers, etc., by learning online how to do it. Whatsover, the dead animals outnumber the living ones.

Amir Khalil, the director of Four Paws, said that Khan Younis zoo “It's a prison”. His charity provided care to 40 animals of the zoo, with the help of volunteers.

Neglect: descuidar, desatendre
Enclosures: recintes
Outnumber: supera en nombres

Honestly, if I have to write a personal opinion about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, I will never end. I'll just tell that a “war” between and expert army and civilian, it can't be named war. It'ss outrageous, but let's focus on this new.

Personally, I believe that the idea of mummifying tha dead animals, even if it is shocking to see the images, is the only way to see the lives lost because of the conflict. Once the rockets kill Palestinians, and then they are buried, they fall into oblivion. But in this way, we realize the reality.

Only showing what happens, we are aware of the damage caused. It doesn't matter if is a human or an animal, it is a life, and nothing justifies the killing of an innocent.

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