divendres, 11 de març del 2016


Are humans controlling technology or is technology controlling us? Where is the limit? There is no clear answer.

On the one hand the incorrect use of technology can drive us to bullying situations, in the case of kids psychological bullying is increasing; moreover ir changes relationships in general, talk face to face is more difficult nowadays. Also we can find false information on Internet. Technology took to a high level of consumerism, we buy more than what we need as a consequence of it, the production has increased in the last century and that fact caused dramatic pollution.  

On the other hand, it presents a lot of advantages; for example, it provides bionic body parts for those who need it. Plus, it expands your opportunity to achieve your objectives. Everybody can discover you. Also it’s easier for enterprises to be disclosed because of publicity. Definitely technology makes our lives more comfortable.

To sum up, bearing in mind that technology can be negative in some aspects, the vast majority are positive. So yes, a good use of technology can make a better world.

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