divendres, 11 de març del 2016


Tower Bridge is a bridge in London, England, over the River Thames. At the second half of the 19th century, the commercial development of the East End of London led to the need to build a new step under the London Bridge. Jones's design was a bascule bridge of about 244 m in length with two towers, each of 65 meters high. The central light of 61 meters between the towers is divided into two sheets, which can be lifted up to a 86º angle (almost vertical) to allow river traffic.

The construction of the bridge began in 1886. There were spent eight years with five major construction and almost 500 workers. When Jones died in 1887, his chief engineer, Sir John Wolfe-Barry, continued the project. Wolfe-Barry replaced the original design of Jones medieval style  with Victorian ornamentation. The towers and sidewalks contain an exhibition of the history of the bridge, including the original steam engines that had moved the bridge. The bridge is on the Tower Subway, the first line of tube (underground railway) in the world (1870).

The second day, after going to Shakespeare Globe Theatre, we went to Tower Bridge freely. I was with Nadia and Mireia, and we made like thousands of photos in the bridge. My first impression was that it was bigger than what I thought (this happened to me with the Big Ben too). The Tower Bridge is gorgeous, it left me speechless.  

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