diumenge, 1 de novembre del 2015

Email to my teacher: Future and Dreams

Hi Sonia!
In this email, I will explain practically what is in my young mind right now, what it is like to see the world through my eyes and what will be my little contribution to make our planet a better place. Basically, you will know a bit of me and my dreams. Hope you like it!

I consider myself as an optimist and active person, bearing in mind that I am, like millions of teenagers, in a confused stage of my life. It is true that my daily routine it is not as dynamic and fresh as I would like, but I always see it all in a positive way, I really enjoy every moment. A peculiar feature of me is that I am a bold girl, and I admit that this is totally good! Because if I make a mistake, I just have another lesson and experience. My incredibly self-control helps me to face challenges without being so obsessive and If there is something I learned from adolescence is to be more confident and happy with yourself, have a permanent and indelible smile in your face, and spread this happiness to those who surround you.

Now that you know a bit of me, you have to know who will be the future me! Since we were in school, our parents and teachers asked about what we are going to do with our lives, who we want to be. Personally, I am of those disconcerted students that are not sure 100% of their future, but I have an idea.
When I close my eyes and I imagine where I see myself in 10 years, there are three places that comes to my head.
One of them is an office, being a businesswoman. I have a strong interest about how does it works the current society, I feel attracted by specifically the marketing, and why not, I would like to have my own enterprise. Another point of this profession that captures my attention is that the world of business had always been manly; I think we need more women in a field like this!
My second option is to be a journalist. If I finally decide to study journalism, it will be aiming to investigate. I feel appeal to show the truths hidden in this world, and speak up for those who are afraid. She is not a journalist, but my model to follow is Malala Yousafzai; I admire her with all my strength.
The third and last place where I see my future me, is in front of kids, teaching. Since I was a little girl I have always helped my classmates in every doubt or difficulty that they had, and I felt satisfied. I currently do it, it fills me to know that with my help my friends or brothers understand the lessons. Education is a key for our world, because students of today are the citizens of tomorrow, so If I can contribute, I will feel compensated.

This year has begun the countdown, and we are all minded that we have to make important decisions in a few months. Whatever my choice may be, I will work so hard to achieve my goal.

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