diumenge, 1 de novembre del 2015


Could you imagine a week without laughing? A day without smiling? As the comedian Charles Chaplin said: A day without laughter is a day wasted. This affirmation is completely true, not only because of the feeling of well-being that a loud laughter causes within us, but for the several benefits of it. Most sudies showed that humor is mentally and physically healthy for humans. 

First of all, it lowers blood pressure, which means that reducing our level of stress hormones, our body cuts simultaneously tha anxiety and stress. Secondly, a good laugh triggers the release of endorphins, our body's natural pain killers. This scientific discovery can be associated with another Chaplin's quote: To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain and play with it. The third advantage is that it boosts T-cells, the cells that help us fight off sickness: it can be our disease prevention for winter! Furthermore, laughter stimulates the production of serotinin, a natural anti-depressent. And finally, it can help us tone our abs! This happen because our stomach muscules expand and contract while we are laughing out loud and it is a great cardio workout too. 

To sum up, having a good sense of humor accompanied by a cheerful attitude, can lighten up our spirit, make us feel emootiond like calm and pleasure, and also be protecting our body from illness. If you do not find a reason to laugh, just do it to improve you health!

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