dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2015

Climate Change: the future negative effects

This Monday is celebrated the Paris Summit 2015 about the climate change. For this reason, I looked for a new related to the future negative effects of the climate change. 

The organization "Climate Central" demonstrated through a publication of an image, which would be the impact of the climate change in famous cities, most of them the one who are near the beach. The image is a worldmap that shows that cities like València or Barcelona will be under the ocean in a few years if we continue polluting the atmosphere, and the poles continue to melt because of the human activities. Even the streets and houses of New York and London, would disappear. It is evident that the simulate worldmap doesn't reflect the possibility of building a protection in a future.

What this image pretends, is to make people aware about what's happening, before de Paris Summit of this Monday 30th. A picture is worth a thousand words: this is what the organization Climate Change has pretend. 

As the pictures shows clearly, if we don't do anything to stop the climate change, the future generation will recieve our disasters. This Monday all the world will be waiting for what the governments will decide to do, and of course, we have to act individually now. We have to begin with our basic activities, like having a shower or driving a car. It seems like what we do in our lives it won't change anything, but if all of us do something? What if everyone replaces the car for the bike? What if all of us stop buying industrial and polluting products? What if our countries promove reneweable energies? If we think in this way, maybe we'll stop the climate change. 
I really believe that all of us have to act right now, and start to educate children to take care of the world. Just in this way we'll avoid the creation of men and women that live to consume, with a materialist life. 

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