dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2015

The horror unfolded Paris

Last Friday 13th of November, 6 terrorist attacks took place in Paris held by 8 jihadists, which caused the death of 132 people and more than 350 wounded. This is an attack by the recruited mans of the Islamic State, who sowed fear in the country.

First of all, it is important to remark that more than a religious act, this act is related to politics and revenge. France, prior to the attacks, bombed Syria where civilians were killed. The Islamic state, also known as ISIS, answered with the killing of Paris. Consequently, France returns to attack the ISIS and calls for collaboration to Europe. In other words, a war begins between a progressive country and a terrorist group, where the most damage ones are the citizens.

Secondly, the next point to consider is the big shock and damage that have caused the killings worldwide. The incident occurred in France, a safe European country. For this reason, it not only hurts French people, but also the rest of Europe, a continent that shares moral values. However shocking it is, murderers of this kind are daily in countries like Syria or Iraq. Because of this, people question: is more worth a French life than a Sirian life?

Summarizing what has been said before, what we are experiencing these days is nothing more than a political conflict between two countries, where the ones who are hurting are innocent humans, whose lives are unfairly snatched.

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