dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2015


John is a soldier of the special forces, an attractiveguy, that during his period of leave goes to visit his father in South Carolina. Savannah Curtis is a beautiful college student from a wealthy Southern family that is at home for spring break. John and Savannah are from different worlds, but when they meet by chance on the beach, are immediately attracted to each other. The meeting turns into a whirlwind romance for two weeks and their feelings quickly deepen until it turns into a passionate love. When John is forced to return to the forces, Savannah has to go back to college. In that moment, the couple promises to write to each other. Through continuous correspondence, their love blossoms and deep romantic love story continues.

As time passes, John and Savannah can be seen only sporadically. The period of John in his detachment abroad extends and the life of Savannah carry on. While the situation in the world becomes increasingly complex, Savannah is constantly worried about the safety of John, and John is torn between his dedication to his work and his desire to return home and start a life with Savannah. Despite the increasing tension between their desires and responsibilities the couple struggles to keep their commitment. But when unexpected tragedy occurs John returns and his return provokes an emotional confrontation where the couple is forced to discover whether their love can survive.

John discovers that Savannah married Tim, who is seriously ill. Then, John decides to sell the coins from his father to pay the treatment of Tim. Tim survives two months and later, he dies. The film ends when John and Savannah meet in a pub and they hug each other.
There is an alternative final, where Tim survive, and after 5 years, Savannah writes to John, to tell him that Tim is ok and that she will always be thankful of meeting him. Savannah is outside her house watching the moon, and John is watching her hided, next to the house. 

Being a crazy fan of love stories, Dear John was one of these films that made me cry like a little girl watching the end. Dear John is not the typical romantic and idealistic story: the fact of having problems with their relationship (like John being a soldier in the war) makes the film realistic.There's also a relation of John and is father that is interesting and emotional. I really liked the alternative final, which in fact, is the real final of the book version. It shows that John did what he has to do to make Savannah happy, even if he is in love with her. I like the idea of a final of a couple that are deeply in love but they decide to not being together for the good of the others. 

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