dimarts, 13 d’octubre del 2015

TED: A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter

In this video, Mark Bezos explains us his experience as a volunteer firefighter in a specific situation that he lived. There was a fire in a house and when his friend (that worked as a volunteer too) and him ran rapidly to the house. The friend arrived first, so he had to save propietress's dog. But then, when it was Mark's turn to act, the captain just told him to enter the house and look for a shoes to the propietress who was in pyjamas and barefoot crying outside. Bezos wasn't expected that but he did it anyway. Weeks before all of the firefighters and also Mark recieved a letter to thanked them. 

This experience that he lived, has a moral quote in the background: "If you have something to give, give it now"-Mark Bezos. He suggest us to act. You can clean a neighboor park, sirve food in a social lunchroom, help kids with their homeworks. Maybe we can not save a life of somebody but we can influence in somebody's life positively. 

From my personal point of view, his speech is so inspiring. As Mark Bezos says, I really believe that every little sign we do to other people can brighten others day. I mean, with just smiling or listening to them can make a difference. And also it feels good to be nice with them. That is the true meaning of humanity; that makes us humans. 

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