dilluns, 18 de gener del 2016


Key words: Montessori Method, child, pedagogy, education

Are we satisfied with our current educational system? Let’s take a look to another way of education, a philosophy of life: the Montessori method. This research paper has different objectives: look into what is the Montessori method (who had created it, what are the mains principles), observe WHAT is a class in a Montessori school, interview professionals of the topic, do 3 activities based in the method with a 2-year-old kid and recreate what is called “prepared environment” at home. Among other things, in my practical part I teached how to count to ten in spanish and english and the colours in english to a 2-year-old child through the Montessori method and the special material. The vast majority of the aims have been achieved.

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