diumenge, 31 de gener del 2016


57 women were killed by their partners in 2015. Gender violence is still being one of the cause of women's death. What are we doing wrong to still have to bury persons just for the reason of being woman? Does equility really exists in our society?

First of all, I have to say that if a man salary is currently higher than the woman one, it will be difficult to avoid something like death. In 21st century, we still have inequality in some aspects: why in man's toilets there is not a platform for diapering babies? Why there aren't car parkings where there are a draw of a father with a baby carriage? Our mentality has not change yet, even if we say that we are progressing. We still associate engineerings with man and nurses with woman. Just changing these aspects that seem not significant, we'll probably advance and treat woman right, and with right I mean normal.

The second point to consider is what we can do to avoid tragedies of this kind. From my point of view, I think we may educate the importance of equility since the future men and women are children. Just in this way, they will treat each other normally and they will feel themselves what they are: humans, no one more or less than anyone. Although this seems to be perfect to work, it is important too how the parents of this kids act in their houses: this can be an influence, sometimes good and, unfortunetly, another times bad.

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