diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

Missing Syria girls' families criticise police over letter

This year has been a dreadful year, bearing in mind all the terrorist attacks that happened. First in France in the offices of Charlie Hebdo, then Tunisia, Mali, now Paris again... And the vast majority of the attacks are held by young persons that furthermore, were born here, and with here, I mean Europe. For that reason I decided to look for a new of this year about girls going to the war, and I found this case.

The families of the three students from London believed to be in Syria, have criticized that the police has concealed important information before the girls’ disappearance. They believe that they could have done something if they had known that one of the friends of their daughters had traveled to Syria and that the police had talked about it with the girls.

 The police and their families believe that Shamima, Amira and Kadiza, who escaped and flew the last tuesday 17th of February to Turkey, are reunited with the Islamic State in Syria. Police talked with the students about their closest friend (another student) who went away in December to Syria. Then, in another meeting, the police gave them three letters to take to their parents, three letters asking permission to take information about the beliefs and about the life of their friend by detectives. But, unfortunately, this letters have never arrived to their parents’ hands and finally, Shamima, Amira and Kadiza had escaped a few weeks later. The letters were found by the girls’ families hidden in their bedrooms.

For this reason, the parents and relatives of the students have criticised the police and detectives for haven’t told them face to face what happened to the disappeared friend of their daughters, because, maybe, they would talked to their daughters and keep an eye on every move they took. But also, it was impossible to see something strange because all the girls had a normal behavior.

This case I find it extremely shocking. Shamima, Amira and Kadiza are only a teenagers like me who have been educated at an English school, their families aren’t radicals and unexpectedly they disappear to go to a country where are happening some terrifying and insane things. It must be hard for their families not know where their daughters are, what are they doing and what kind of ideas they have in their young minds. I start to think about what happened in Paris 2 weeks ago, and I ask a question: what are we doing wrong with those young people and teenagers who were born in European countries? Why they decide to leave a safe and modern country to live the war? Honestly, it's so shocking...

-Counter-terrorism detectives: detectius antiterroristes
-Gather: Reunir

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