dimecres, 25 de novembre del 2015

Follow your dream, achieve your goal

In this post, I am going to talk about the my say called “Follow your dream, achieve your goal”. I found a video which explains better (with a story) this title. Here it is:

In this video, appears a group of children watching a football match in the window of a pub, and the owner makes out all the kids screaming. A young girl saw what happened and she has an idea: create her own slide projector. She works hard sometimes sleepless, goes every day to the library, looks for pieces in wherever… Finally, she achieved her objective and makes happy all the people of her neighbourhood, specially those kids that one day she saw. She becomes the hero of those guys.

This video can be summarized in one sentence: if you believe in yourself, you can get whatever you want. And I absolutely agree with this affirmation, because I think that if you don’t give up and keep trying, one day you will get your objective. It’s just a mixture of attempts, perseverance and hard work. If you don’t have money, you can recycle like the girl of the video and continue with your project, if you don’t have knowledges you can learn them; even if you think it’s impossible it can be possible.

Nothing is impossible (inside the reality); you only have to try and try. You’ll spend so much time, but it will never be a wasted time, because in the end, it will be worth.

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