divendres, 27 de novembre del 2015

Composition Dorian Gray’s book: BEAUTY

Physical beauty has an end, but the beauty inside us is forever.
From my point of view, beauty is not the most important element of our lives, as Lord Henry says to Dorian Gray. There is something more than a gorgeous face and a fair hair. We are humans because we have a soul, feelings. What makes us beautiful is how we are with the others and how we treat them. In the book Dorian Gray, the portrait would be the human and Dorian the portrait. Youth perhaps is and incredible stage of our lives accompanied by beauty, so it is necessary for us to be conscious that it will last, and that it is not as essential as we probably think.
Maybe when our youth goes our beauty will go with it like Lord Henry says, but we will still be the same person with a beautiful soul!

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