divendres, 22 de gener del 2016

Self-Avaluation: Oral Presentation

After presenting my research project in English class I can finally say it: I HAVE DONE IT. Is so satisfying to know that after months preparing it, now I only have to wait for my mark. There is something that I would tell to every 1st batxillerat student: do it in summer!!!!! It was so stressing, but worth it.

Bearing in mind that our oral presentations had to take just 5 or 10 minutes, mine was a bit long in this. About the speaking, I need to speak louder and slowly, but about the pronuntiation I think I did it right. My eye contact and gestures were correct. Presenting something that only you know better than anyone else makes you feel confident, and this was what happened to me, zero nerves. My average rating that my classmates gave me is around the 9/9'5. So I'm happy for it! Most of them have enjoyed it and this satisfies me too.

I can not upload the video of my oral presentation, but here is the link of my Research Paper Prezi!

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