divendres, 6 de maig del 2016

Can the UN Security Council Stop Hospitals Being Targets in War?

The UN Security Council members are considering the attacks to Hospitals in war zones like Syria. The lack of respect of health care provocated the searching of a resolution. But as always, it all started after the Al Quds Hospital in Aleppo was bombed. The most qualified paediatrician Dr Muhammad Waseem Maaz died there. Hospitals in Syria are usually targeted by government and Russian air forces.

Furthermore, the organization Medicins Sans Frontieres, which can not stay in some areas because they are not protected enough to work there, said that bombs against health care are so frequent recently. No one should be killed because of a war, it doesn't matter if it is a civilan of the country or health care personnel who just do their work helping wounded and injured innocent people. In fact, they should be more respected.

Paediatrician: pediatra
Wounded: ferit
Targeted: select as an object of attention or attack

Any war should not exist and no one would have to die due to this reason. Any house should be bombed, and it is worse (and unbelievable) attack places that have to be protected and respected, like hospitals or schools. It is totally a lack of respect. But how this will stop if even the refugees are bombed?

Civilans will always be the ones who recieve the consequences of governments and terrorist groups acts. It is very beautiful to talk about human rights, but they are necessary to put them into practice. They had been created after a World War for something, not to be written.

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