diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

Emerging Technology Has Positive Impact in Classroom

Stacey Roshan is a mathematics teacher of a private school that made an experiment through technology to see how the results of her students increased. Roshan could see during three years how her students were confused and stagnant.

Most of them wanted to work just problems in class, for this reason Stacey changed her lessons plans: by using Camtasia Studio, she uploaded her video lectures so they could listen to them in their house (as homework) and once in class, only work in problems. In this way, students were more motivated and had and active participation in class. Stacey Roshan experienced how her students marks increased rapidly by this method. Lots of teachers start to use technology in their class and all of them saw the positive benefits of it.

Tracy, director of an Academy who implant technology in his center, said that having a flexible budget helps to innovate in education. He is sure that: If it's successful, it's designed to be replicable in the public schools." Regarding to public schools, new initiatives have been promoted, for example, the use of Ipads in class.

Replicable: aplicable
Lectures: conferències
Stagnant: estancat

Being in 21st century, we might change some things in education that for us are normal and traditional. We have to adapt our lives with technological advances and take profit from it, in all the fields. Stacey Roshan is a PROOF that a good use of technology can help students in their marks, and use the time in the best way. She is still doing her job, but in other way, a way that really works and motivates students.

In my case, we use technology in class (as in English, Psychology or History) but I really believe that we could improve it and expand it to all the subjects. Although it seems to be difficult, I don’t think that we will carry on with our traditional method much longer. I hope in a future we can enjoy technology as a normal fact in education and admire how can helps us.

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