dissabte, 12 de març del 2016

Can mobile apps help to improve our health?

Mobile applications will help us to improve our health. In fact, some experiments created by experts work currently. Professionals from Belfast and the EU, all of them are participants of the World Health Organization Network, are sure that technology is the key to face and tackling diseases such as Alzheimer's. In 2015, a convention for Alzheimer's revealed an app that simulates persons to establish life goals as exercise or nutrition to manage stress and brain stimulation (those two aspects are reasons of the beginning of the memory disease).

Moreover, it exists another app, Experior, that helps doctors in training to polish and hone their readings X-Rays. Experior was created by Tom Lynch, head of Nuclear Medicine, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. Since 2014, they are starting to think about using the same technology as the Experior one to apply it in other medical fields, like gynaecology or obstetrics. The main countries which are working on this, are Northern Ireland, Finland, Wales and UK, among others as EU and US.

Hone: perfeccionar, pulir
Unveiled: van revelar
Tackling: fer front

Technology is always a discussion topic that presents us if it is beneficial to our lives to be involved in it. We often relate technological advances to social networks and the vice that they cause. But, have we thought about the benefits that technology can provide us in fields like health?

We've seen practical cases as bionic arms and legs, deaf people who finally could hear through a device, blind persons who thanks of special glasses can see. So, don't you think that it would be incredible to prevent diseases like Alzheimer with an app?

From my point of view, experts are the engine of our era and those discovers are really surprising. In a future, if all this experiments develope and turn popular, we will thank all the experts that made possible the prevention of having a grandfather with Alzheimer, or being an Alzheimer victim, you never know.

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