diumenge, 11 d’octubre del 2015


Capitalism is a system that has proven to be unfair and problematic. Has only done and caused problems and catastrophies of all types, from the socials inequalities to climate change. We need a new system that takes us from the ostracism to which we focus. 

Many important figures, are uniting them to demand a new system to replace the obsolete and failed capitalism which reigns and rules today. Prisons are increasingly full, the currency imbalance is growing, the Earth can't supports climate change and pollution: economic liberalism demonstrated that it is not the solution.

That is why we need another and different system, that will make us more collaborative, involving consciousness us in the future of the planet, that make us more solidarity with the most disadvantaged and make us realize that the world still has a solution.
We always think that big changes are impossible, but that's not true. What is needed is a bit of each of us, start from the daily life and go forward, because we will be more and more over time,  and finally we will get to our goal: a better world.

That's the video I have found, I'm sure that will makes you think over. Hope you like it!

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