dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2014


"Love the way you lie" is my favourtie song. It's not for any reason in particular, it's just beacuse every time I hear it I feel quiet.  When I'm sad or I had a bad day I listen to this song and I feel better (if I say the truth, I don't know why). 

Eminem (a famous rapper), and Rihanna (one of my favourite singers) sing together in a videoclip where appears a couple, and the women suffers gender violence. First thet are sleeping together hugging each other. Then, the girl woke up and want to run away. The man tries to catch her. They kiss each other constantly with strenght and passion, but among these kisses, they throw away things, break bottles, hit the walls and fight: the couple live a battle every day. 

There are two songs: the first part Eminem it's the protagonist, and in the second, Rihanna. I like the second one, so today I want to traduce into Spanish some paragraphs and share my opinion about it. 

The chorus is: 
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie

Solo te quedarás ahí, mirando como me quemo
Pero esta bien, porque me gusta la manera en que duele
Solo te quedarás ahí, mirando como lloro 
Pero esta bien, porque amo la manera en que mientes

There are some phrases they say that reflects perfectly this story: 

I may have hit you three times, I’m startin’ to lose count/Puede que te haya golpeado tres veces, estoy empezando a paerder la cuenta (Eminem)
Our love, is crazy, we’re nuts, but I refuse counseling/ Nuestro amor, es una locura, estamos locos, pero me niego a perderte (Eminem)
But you'll always be my hero, even though you've lost your mind/Pero tu siempre serás mi héroe, incluso si enloqueces (Rihanna)

Those three phrases explains what gender violence is: a relationship where the man hits the woman and say that he loves her, and he don't want to lose her. But she's lost, she doesn't know what to do, and unfortunately, she always believe that he loves her so much, and thinks that this is the reason why he hits her.

This is not the meaning of love. Love is want the safety of the other person. Protect her, and above all, make her happy. Never be obsessed with someone is like love him a lot. Every year thousands of woman and girls die for the gender violence. This has to stop, because nobody deserve this physical and psychological torture.